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劇情片英國 / 法國 / 西班牙1992

主演:熱拉爾·德帕迪約  阿曼德·阿山特  西格妮·韋弗  勞恩·迪恩  安吉拉·莫利納  費爾南多·雷伊  邁克爾·維克特  切基·卡尤  凱文·杜恩  弗蘭克·蘭格拉  馬克·馬戈利斯  卡里奧·塞勒姆  Billy  L.  Sullivan  約翰·赫夫南  阿諾德·沃斯洛  史蒂芬·威丁頓  費爾南多·古林·庫弗  胡安·迭戈·博托  Achero  Ma?as  杰克·泰勒  



哥倫布傳1492 劇照 NO.1哥倫布傳1492 劇照 NO.2哥倫布傳1492 劇照 NO.3哥倫布傳1492 劇照 NO.4哥倫布傳1492 劇照 NO.5哥倫布傳1492 劇照 NO.6哥倫布傳1492 劇照 NO.13哥倫布傳1492 劇照 NO.14哥倫布傳1492 劇照 NO.15哥倫布傳1492 劇照 NO.16哥倫布傳1492 劇照 NO.17哥倫布傳1492 劇照 NO.18哥倫布傳1492 劇照 NO.19哥倫布傳1492 劇照 NO.20
更新時間:2023-08-11 01:28




 1 ) 哪里是我的新大陸










 2 ) 大霧散去之后那片翠綠的大地


 3 ) References

Alex Gendler: History vs. Christopher Columbus

Many people in the United States and Latin America have grown up celebrating the anniversary of Christopher Columbus's voyage, but was he an intrepid explorer who brought two worlds together or a ruthless exploiter who brought colonialism and slavery? And did he even discover America at all? It's time to put Columbus on the stand in History vs. Christopher Columbus. "Order, order in the court. Wait, am I even supposed to be at work today?" <i>Cough</i> "Yes, your Honor. From 1792, Columbus Day was celebrated in many parts of the United States on October 12th, the actual anniversary date. But although it was declared an official holiday in 1934, individual states aren't required to observe it. Only 23 states close public services, and more states are moving away from it completely." <i>Cough</i> "What a pity. In the 70s, we even moved it to the second Monday in October so people could get a nice three-day weekend, but I guess you folks just hate celebrations." "Uh, what are we celebrating again?" "Come on, Your Honor, we all learned it in school. Christopher Columbus convinced the King of Spain to send him on a mission to find a better trade route to India, not by going East over land but sailing West around the globe. Everyone said it was crazy because they still thought the world was flat, but he knew better. And when in 1492 he sailed the ocean blue, he found something better than India: a whole new continent." "What rubbish. First of all, educated people knew the world was round since Aristotle. Secondly, Columbus didn't discover anything. There were already people living here for millennia. And he wasn't even the first European to visit. The Norse had settled Newfoundland almost 500 years before." "You don't say, so how come we're not all wearing those cow helmets?" "Actually, they didn't really wear those either." <i>Cough</i> "Who cares what some Vikings did way back when? Those settlements didn't last, but Columbus's did. And the news he brought back to Europe spread far and wide, inspiring all the explorers and settlers who came after. Without him, none of us would be here today." "And because of him, millions of Native Americans aren't here today. Do you know what Columbus did in the colonies he founded? He took the very first natives he met prisoner and wrote in his journal about how easily he could conquer and enslave all of them." "Oh, come on. Everyone was fighting each other back then. Didn't the natives even tell Columbus about other tribes raiding and taking captives?" "Yes, but tribal warfare was sporadic and limited. It certainly didn't wipe out 90% of the population." "Hmm. Why is celebrating this Columbus so important to you, anyway?" "Your Honor, Columbus's voyage was an inspiration to struggling people all across Europe, symbolizing freedom and new beginnings. And his discovery gave our grandparents and great-grandparents the chance to come here and build better lives for their children. Don't we deserve a hero to remind everyone that our country was build on the struggles of immigrants?" "And what about the struggles of Native Americans who were nearly wiped out and forced into reservations and whose descendants still suffer from poverty and discrimination? How can you make a hero out of a man who caused so much suffering?" "That's history. You can't judge a guy in the 15th century by modern standards. People back then even thought spreading Christianity and civilization across the world was a moral duty." "Actually, he was pretty bad, even by old standards. While governing Hispaniola, he tortured and mutilated natives who didn't bring him enough gold and sold girls as young as nine into sexual slavery, and he was brutal even to the other colonists he ruled, to the point that he was removed from power and thrown in jail. When the missionary, Bartolomé de las Casas, visited the island, he wrote, 'From 1494 to 1508, over 3,000,000 people had perished from war, slavery and the mines. Who in future generations will believe this?'" "Well, I'm not sure I believe those numbers." "Say, aren't there other ways the holiday is celebrated?" "In some Latin American countries, they celebrate the same date under different names, such as Día de la Raza. In these places, it's more a celebration of the native and mixed cultures that survived through the colonial period. Some places in the U.S. have also renamed the holiday, as Native American Day or Indigenous People's Day and changed the celebrations accordingly." "So, why not just change the name if it's such a problem?" "Because it's tradition. Ordinary people need their heroes and their founding myths. Can't we just keep celebrating the way we've been doing for a century, without having to delve into all this serious research? It's not like anyone is actually celebrating genocide." "Traditions change, and the way we choose to keep them alive says a lot about our values." "Well, it looks like giving tired judges a day off isn't one of those values, anyway." Traditions and holidays are important to all cultures, but a hero in one era may become a villain in the next as our historical knowledge expands and our values evolve. And deciding what these traditions should mean today is a major part of putting history on trial.

 4 ) 夢想


 5 ) 看這部片子是因為音樂


 6 ) To Colomb who almost found the new world.




這部電影中文翻譯不好,失去了原來片名中所蘊含的電影主題,英文是1492,Conquest of the Paradise。直譯作1492天堂的征服。在影片中也有對天堂和地獄的描述。哥倫布第一眼所看到的新大陸是一座綠色的如伊甸園般的景象(用他自己的話說),這和西班牙干旱的土黃色形成鮮明的對比。conquistador也是專指去美洲的西班牙人,他們在征服美洲的過程中,血腥屠殺奴役當地人,將本來與世無爭的原始社會變成如地獄一般。(英法對新大陸的統(tǒng)治相對溫和,所以他們自稱colonist殖民者)。





1.雷德利的選角都是成功的 2.影片的故事人物和背景太重,導致結構松散不緊湊 3.想說的太多 4.Vangelis 應該不會想到他雄壯的航海配樂會廣泛用于中國各大傳銷年會 5.Sigourney Weaver 真女王氣場 6.點贊表白服裝化妝,請收下膝蓋

  • 柯不悔KOKIKA
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  • 荔枝超人
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是夢想家也是實干者 霧散露出海島的一幕實在是感人 在海上漂了這么久更知道腳下土地的堅實 群島和大陸 只差一個多星期的航程啊 idealism and ambition are not incompatible.riches don't make a man rich,they only make him busier. nothing that results from human progress is achieved with unanimous consent. 畫面對比反差似乎不大 兩個孩子都長得很清秀啊

  • Sydney
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3星半 雷公初試史詩片,其實已經很有《角斗士》的前身了,尤其是一流的視聽效果,實景實物實在令人驚嘆,配樂更是點睛之筆,用了Vangelis的名曲《Conquest of Paradise》擔當主題樂,唯一可惜的是故事上并沒樂曲這般的磅礴雄勢。其實無論政治還是人性,“哥倫布”這題材能講的東西都太多了,是完全能有更多深度的題材,但硬塞154分鐘里也實在有心無力,格局過大,就連人物也倉促得更顯粗糙。但當我面對那首傳世的名曲時,我突然意識到,這些都已毫不重要了,在這等宏魄的律調中,影片所帶來的,遠遠比不上聽者所想象的——那些乘風破浪的船只,在那段日月逾邁的歲月里,承載著一群孤注一擲的探險家。所有的欲望與夢想,所有的熱血與偉大,沸騰著,歌頌著,熾烈地閃耀令人睜不開眼睛。哥倫布是終究征服不了天堂的,但是這首曲子可以,因它就是為此存在的

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with樂 SEP; 配樂超棒,好多耳熟的音樂都出自這裡;感覺美化了侵略史

  • Sofie
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【補標】藍光影碟再看為了一首MV重新驗證再看藍光影碟從頭到尾……今網上有人發(fā)了這首《遠航》Sailing這首歌MV(用了電影??畫面),勾起我的重新再看的想法,其實該片從頭到尾沒有這首歌曲的出現,我想是音樂人自己后配的MV根據哥倫布航海的宏大主題,倒是那些在我們電視劇里的主題曲耳聞能詳的不絕于耳從頭到尾反復出現。不知道“引用”者在電視劇后面注明沒有人家的原創(chuàng)版權(題外話)……——『生命比夢想更富有想象色彩』2021-7-9 藍光影碟重新再看

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new world, not better world for him.

  • 惡魔的步調
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  • 方聿南
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  • 米粒
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8.5「All created by people like me,no matter how long you live,one thing will never change between us—I did it,you didn’t.」;很多年前朋友推薦過這部作品的原聲給身處泥潭中的我 我也因此從中獲取了力量 數年后伴隨熟悉的原聲觀看這部作品 雖然將她定位為詩史略覺夸大 但影片中的那股勇氣與堅韌在我看來永遠是渺小的人類通往壯麗輝煌的大路的指向燈;沒有這一步的嘗試 恐怕雷公也沒有日后的角斗士和天國王朝這樣的不朽之作。

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老雷初試史詩片,恰好在哥倫布首次航行500周年上映。劇情略松散,且筆墨基本集中于哥倫布發(fā)現大陸后的治理,講他如何平定內亂和獲取資源,以及這些活動對原住民的影響;相較而言旅途艱險并沒有得到太多的渲染(哥倫布幾句話的演講就讓信心動搖的船員團結一致了),但看到首次航行中霧中緩緩現出真容的陸地我還是被觸動了一下。電影著重表現出了哥倫布理想主義者的一面,他以發(fā)現新世界,建設文明為榮,帶著一種近乎偏執(zhí)的狂熱,但總體態(tài)度還是褒大于貶的。對歐洲中世紀風貌的還原做得還行,精美服裝襯得《異形》中以中性面貌示人的西格尼·韋弗異常艷麗。而范吉利斯的配樂恢弘而大氣(尤其是那首經典的《Conquest of Paradise》,聽得人想馬上收拾行李踏上未知的征程),有時間要聽這部的OST。

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he didn't own sth,while he built that all

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