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主演:Ethan Reed McKay  Brayden Tucker  Colleen Carey  

導(dǎo)演:Don Caron  Lyle Hatcher  



逆風(fēng)少年 劇照 NO.1逆風(fēng)少年 劇照 NO.2逆風(fēng)少年 劇照 NO.3逆風(fēng)少年 劇照 NO.4逆風(fēng)少年 劇照 NO.5逆風(fēng)少年 劇照 NO.6逆風(fēng)少年 劇照 NO.13
更新時(shí)間:2024-04-11 05:11


  Different Drummers is based on a true story about two unusual boys in Spokane, Washington in the mid 1960s. In this more innocent time, when body builder Jack Lalanne ruled the airwaves, the two heroes, a couple of elementary school students, make a bold attempt to triumph over mortality through friendship. Eleven year old David is slowing down and is now wheelchair-bound by muscular dystrophy, while Lyle can't stop speeding up. Back then, he was referred to as having a condition called MDB (Minimal Brain Dysfunction) but today he would be diagnosed with "Attention Deficit Disorder." Lyle wants more than anything to get David out of his wheelchair and running again, and he concocts a wild scheme involving a science project, some firemen, drummers, the school principal, a cop and a hand-walk across the school gymnasium, among other things. It works like this: Inspired by his TV idol, Lalanne, and his message of "intestinal fortitude and willpower," Lyle manages to convince David that ...


 1 ) 《逆風(fēng)少年》(Different Drummers)對(duì)白摘錄

1. The death of Mrs. McGuire

Lyle: Actually Mrs. McGuire's my favorite teacher ever. 老實(shí)說(shuō)麥圭爾老師是目前為止我最喜歡的老師。

David: Me too. She is really sick though. And...she is not going to make it. 我也是。但是她病的很重。所以她不會(huì)回來(lái)了。

Lyle: Not gonna make it to what? 不會(huì)回哪里了?

David: No. I mean, she's going to die. 沒(méi)有。我的意思是,她可能會(huì)死。

Lyle: What are you talking about?! That's the craziest thing I've ever heard! You don't know that. Anyway, who told you that? That doctor? 'Cause if he did, I want to call him right now! Did the doctor tell you that? 你在胡說(shuō)些什么?!那是我聽(tīng)過(guò)最瘋狂的事情了!你又不知道。到底是誰(shuí)跟你說(shuō)這些話的,醫(yī)生嗎?如果是他的話,我想立馬給他打電話!是醫(yī)生這么告訴你的嗎?

David: No. No, it wasn't the doctor. Mr. McGuire called me last night and asked me to pray for her because she's in the hospital. So... 不是的。不,不是醫(yī)生。麥圭爾先生昨晚打電話給我了,并讓我為她祈禱,因?yàn)樗≡毫恕K浴?/p>

Lyle: Mr. McGuire told you she's gonna die? 麥圭爾先生告訴你她要死了嗎?

David: Mr. McGuire didn't tell me. ... God told me. 麥圭爾先生沒(méi)有告訴我。上帝告訴我的。


Only God knows. 鬼才知道呢!對(duì)于科學(xué)問(wèn)題或現(xiàn)象,我作為一個(gè)理性的人愿意相信其背后必然存在某種規(guī)律的;但是對(duì)于情感的事情,我卻寧愿相信冥冥之中是命運(yùn)的安排,聊以自慰罷了。

2. Don't trick someone you are talking with.

Lyle: Mr. Merrick? Do you think there's such a thing as God? 梅立克先生?你認(rèn)為真的存在上帝這回事嗎?

Merrick: Such a thing as God? Do you lie awake at night thinking up these questions for me? 上帝這回事?你晚上不睡覺(jué)就為了出這些問(wèn)題給我嗎?

Lyle: No. No, I just want to know. 'Cause this kid in my class said God told him Mrs. McGuire is gonna die. And that's crazy. And it makes me mad. But what is he's right? So I really want to know if he talks to God. 不是的。不,我只是想知道。因?yàn)槲野嗌嫌幸粋€(gè)同學(xué)說(shuō)上帝告訴他麥圭爾老師將要死了。那太荒唐了,讓我快發(fā)瘋了。但如果他是對(duì)的呢?所以我真的很想知道他是否真的和上帝對(duì)話了。

Merrick: It doesn't really matter what your friend says. And it doesn't matter what I say either. There's something you need to decide on your own. Pure and simple. 你朋友說(shuō)了什么其實(shí)不重要。我說(shuō)什么也不重要。有些事你需要自己作決定。就這么簡(jiǎn)單。

Lyle: So you don't think there's a God, do you, Mr. Merrick? 所以你不相信上帝存在是嗎,梅立克先生?

Merrick: Don't try that on me. You can't trick people into saying what you think you need to hear. It's one of the reasons you end up here so often. 別用這種方式試探我。你不應(yīng)該套一個(gè)人的話,讓他說(shuō)你想聽(tīng)的東西。這就是你常常把天就這么聊死了的原因。



3. Don't cry easily.

(Lyle 的媽媽正在給他處理傷口)

Lyle's mom: Hey! Hold still. Don't you go tearing up on me. Tears are for hurts of the heart. 不要?jiǎng)?。別因?yàn)檫@個(gè)就哭。心靈的創(chuàng)傷才流淚。



4. True love?

Lyle: Hey, can you make me one that says “Lyle plus Sharon Anne equals true love”? 那你能幫我做一個(gè)牌子嗎?刻上“萊爾+莎倫安妮=真愛(ài)”。



 2 ) 忠實(shí)于自己的回憶



后來(lái)看資料得知,本片由故事里的Lyle與一名本地藝術(shù)家(Don Caron)合作編導(dǎo)——幾乎堪稱(chēng)“素人”制作了。之前他們出了書(shū)、寫(xiě)了劇本,多家電影公司紛紛要求購(gòu)買(mǎi)版權(quán),但Lyle拒絕了。他希望忠實(shí)于自己的回憶。于是,他們自籌資金,兢兢業(yè)業(yè)、緊緊巴巴地完成制作?!也恢廊艚o了好萊塢會(huì)是什么氣象,通常好萊塢的影視改編勢(shì)必大刀闊斧地進(jìn)行戲劇化演繹與杜撰。我只知道現(xiàn)在的這份樸素與誠(chéng)懇,我更喜歡,更贊賞。


1960年代,在華盛頓州的 Spokane 小鎮(zhèn)的Pratt小學(xué)(已于2007年關(guān)閉),有兩個(gè)男孩:一個(gè)身患絕癥、肢體殘疾,一個(gè)精力過(guò)盛、亢奮多動(dòng)。他們都很特殊,所以“沒(méi)朋友”。因?yàn)椤皼](méi)朋友”,所以他們互相取暖。但這只是他們天真友誼的起點(diǎn)。當(dāng)這對(duì)“互為相反數(shù)”的孩子真心相待,他們?cè)絹?lái)越珍惜彼此的存在,越來(lái)越享受彼此的陪伴,越來(lái)越理解彼此的互補(bǔ)。



值得一提的是,片中記述了Lyle因?yàn)檫^(guò)動(dòng)被校方強(qiáng)制要求服用鎮(zhèn)靜藥物的過(guò)程。這個(gè)情節(jié)今天看來(lái)觸目驚心,但在60年代的美國(guó),這種對(duì)精神藥物、甚至腦科手術(shù)的野蠻濫用卻被大眾廣為接受。譬如,臭名昭著的前腦葉白質(zhì)切除術(shù),不僅出現(xiàn)在經(jīng)典電影《飛越瘋?cè)嗽骸防?,而且現(xiàn)實(shí)中也曾應(yīng)用在了肯尼迪總統(tǒng)的親姐姐Rosemary Kennedy身上。悲劇無(wú)數(shù)。



  • 茉莉加冰糖
  • 推薦


  • 太陽(yáng)午夜爆炸
  • 較差


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