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更新時(shí)間:2023-08-10 23:26


  音樂家喬治(杰拉爾·德帕迪約 Gérard Depardieu飾)和園林愛好者布朗蒂(安迪·麥克道威爾 Andie MacDowell飾)的結(jié)合,完全是出自各自的私心:喬治來自法國,想得到一張美國的綠卡,從而在這里發(fā)展事業(yè);布朗蒂看中了一套公寓,卻被告知只有夫妻才能入住。于是,兩人一拍即合,各取所需,結(jié)婚后很快就過回各不相干的生活?! ∶绹泼窬值膽岩呻S之而來。為了一張綠卡而假結(jié)婚的案例他們見得多了,喬治和布朗蒂的婚姻自然也逃不過他們的法眼。嚴(yán)謹(jǐn)認(rèn)真的調(diào)查介入了這對“夫妻”的生活?,F(xiàn)在,喬治和布朗蒂必須策劃出一個(gè)完美的戀愛和結(jié)婚過程,擺造出一起生活的種種細(xì)節(jié)證據(jù)。為了能讓婚姻變得更加可信,喬治甚至住進(jìn)了布朗蒂的家,兩人卻漸漸戲假情真。


 1 ) The Way from Clash to Love

The story is a simple but warm one. A Frenchman, Jorge, wants to get green card trough marriage, and an American girl, Bronte, who loves plants so much that she would marry a stranger in order to get a greenhouse. For mutual needs, they get married, and have to face the inspection from the USCIS together, which is a process from clashes, conflicts to reconcile and understanding, and finally to love. From this story, we can see that in a way it’s through clashes that two strangers get to understand each other and two cultures begin to accept and appreciate each other.

At the beginning of the film, there is the drum performance by a black child on the street, and I think the rapid and pressing rhythm symbolizes the beginning of the clashes between the two people and different cultures they come from. The restaurant “Africa cafe”they meet is also a place of cultural integration, where black waiters work together with their white colleagues. Just like the lie they make for how they have known each other: they clashed into each other.

The two are very different people. Bronte is a quiet girl, she has peace in herself. The first time she appears in the film, you heard a very tranquil voice pass through all the noises and chaos on the street.——“How much is it?” When she tells the landlords how she would take care of the greenhouse, she speaks out all those names of plants in a way like she’s reciting a poem. But Jorge’s life is just like his appearance—disorders, fighting, conflicts. He is fired from the restaurant because he makes troubles and he even has been in the jail. I think this is one way she’s different from Jorge, she’s quiet, but he doesn’t make peace.

One of the crashes is about Bronte’s love for plants. When Jorge plants a tomato tree for Bronte, she got quite angry because she thinks he destroys her greenhouse. And she tells him to stay away from her place——the greenhouse. And Jorge thinks that she loves plants better than people. Then they argue about her gardening group——a group that tries to plant trees voluntarily for the children in the slums of the city who don’t have trees to climb. Jorge thinks that’s useless, because he’s the one that comes from the slums, he knows how trivial significance those trees would make to those children. And he thinks that Bronte does this only to amuse herself, which is quite untrue from her point of view. The first time she entered into the greenhouse, it seems she has entered some fairy lands. She’s so happy, just like she has met an old friend. From this we know how deeply she loves plants. She thinks this is one way to help those children who live in chaos and despair.

And that’s another difference between them: Bronte knows quite well what she can give to other people and she takes giving as a basic principle of life. She’s kind to people and holds an attitude so gentle to the world around her. While Jorge has had a hard life and in some way he hasn’t learned to give, even he has got so much to give. He thinks Bronte’s kindness to others is unnecessary, and he doesn’t trust people.

Why there are such differences? That has something to do with their sharply contrast family background. Bronte has been well-educated; her father is a writer and wants her to be an artist. She’s a typical urban woman. She has friends and families, so she learns from birth how to care for people and sympathize with them, especially to those that have an inferior social class. But Jorge has no formal education and left school when he was ten and home when he was 12. His father has always dreams about being a gypsy——a tramp, and that’s exactly what Jorge was before he meets Bronte. And it’s hard to expect a tramp to care about someone else. Jorge’s not bothering about small matters and loving of being a tramp could be seen from his sloppy appearance and this do have a family origin.

So Jorge is quite free of all constraints and attachments in the world, while Bronte has families and friends and a boyfriend to care and hide from. She’s not free as he is, that’s why their attitudes towards life are so different:She wants the inspection over so that she can continue her life as before, a tendency to maintain what life already is and welcome no change; he’s always waiting his life to begin. Change is good. To live is to enjoy your life. “He has passion, he eats life”, as Bronte says.

Another crash we can see from the film is the crash of French culture and American culture. Jorge is a French man, and to be French is to be romantic, careless and sloppy. While Bronte is an American, her way is direct and simple. When Jorge and Bronte meet at her house and the USCIS is coming to ask questions, Bronte gets very panic, feeling rushed inside, but Jorge seems not worry about it at all. He asked for a cup of coffee, walked around her house and looked at her photos, humming still. Americans like to cut to the chase right away, while French want to create some atmosphere before really talk the issue at hand.

Jorge and Bronte know each other better though their study of each other’s habits. And the more they know each other, the more they are able to tolerate the other’s difference. And each crash and crisis makes them shift attitudes towards each other sharply. The same goes with two cultures, when a culture is alien to another, it is very likely that they “hate” each other because of misunderstanding. People are too apt to blame what they don’t know. The key to resolving conflicts is first to understand, and the way to understand is to clash. For through clashes, we see the differences and the reasons, and then there are possibilities for reconcile and a step forward to appreciate the differences of each other.

 2 ) 非愛情信仰的愛情電影


 3 ) 單純而美好



 4 ) 只喜歡結(jié)尾

總體感覺兩人感情變化太快,太戲劇化,但是最后的結(jié)尾很感動,不是因?yàn)榇髨F(tuán)圓,而是那個(gè)大鼻子說的一句話:i'll write everyday,with the same thing,when will you come.cherie?

 5 ) 愛可以生長






 6 ) 大鼻子




  • touya
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It never rains in southern California,因?yàn)槟鞘赘璧腗TV才看了這部電影。覺得這個(gè)大鼻子情圣一點(diǎn)不帥,但怎么電影都這么好看呢?甚至覺得他胖得有種不同于一般胖子的魅力。

  • 麗塔
  • 力薦


  • 不為
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  • (????д????)
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  • 烈焰紅唇龍
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  • 【守破離】
  • 較差

Better than I expected. I too long for an apartment like this in NYC, with a bright and elegant greenhouse so I can play with my plants every day. Andie was at the prime of her beauty.

  • a little mark
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哇這可能是我人生中看得最早的電影之一 當(dāng)時(shí)我邊看邊覺得綠卡有什么稀罕拿水彩筆涂綠了不就ok啦

  • 瓜沒葉
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  • Ridden
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  • 一關(guān)
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  • 電個(gè)爆炸頭
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  • 赱馬觀?
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7.5分 當(dāng)他們再一次在非洲咖啡館相遇時(shí),觀眾并不知道喬治能否獲得綠卡留在美國。但觀眾知道他們真的相愛了。這里出現(xiàn)了一個(gè)吊詭之處——在大他者看來,喬治能夠獲得綠卡和他們是真愛是等價(jià)的。大他者似乎在阻礙他們相愛,又欲望著他們的相愛。觀眾看到了大他者的無能,他們瞥見了大他者的裂口。在一次次的詢喚中,他們述行性地服從了大他者的要求,而這恰恰不是大他者所欲望的。大他者不存在。

  • AB
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  • Gloria
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  • LoudCrazyHeart
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  • zzy花崗巖
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那公寓的確嗲的可以引人犯罪 大鼻子情圣還是很有魅力的嘛~

  • MM???
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  • Carf
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  • U 兔
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里面那段驚艷的鋼琴曲 盡管短 但是印象深刻

  • buduo
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