
<strong id="g78f3"><menu id="g78f3"><strike id="g78f3"></strike></menu></strong>



主演:梅拉尼·羅蘭  埃里克·卡拉瓦卡  吉爾·勒盧什  

導(dǎo)演:Alfred  Lot  



死亡之屋 劇照 NO.1死亡之屋 劇照 NO.2死亡之屋 劇照 NO.3死亡之屋 劇照 NO.4死亡之屋 劇照 NO.5死亡之屋 劇照 NO.6死亡之屋 劇照 NO.13死亡之屋 劇照 NO.14死亡之屋 劇照 NO.15死亡之屋 劇照 NO.16死亡之屋 劇照 NO.17死亡之屋 劇照 NO.18死亡之屋 劇照 NO.19死亡之屋 劇照 NO.20
更新時間:2024-02-12 04:26


  兩個失意的工程師深夜狂歡,飚車之時不慎撞死一位路人。兩人在死者隨身的包內(nèi)發(fā)現(xiàn)巨額現(xiàn)金,經(jīng)過一番天人交戰(zhàn),他們決定留下這筆錢,然后毀尸滅跡。雖然他們自認(rèn)為做得天衣無縫,然卻不知車禍過程已被神秘之人盡收眼底,而被撞之人也牽涉到一起離奇詭異的殺人案。因巨額現(xiàn)金丟失,作為人質(zhì)的女孩被殘忍殺害,之后做成復(fù)古的娃娃。  女警員露西(Mélanie Laurent 飾)對這兩起案件抽絲剝繭,探究背后隱藏的真相……  本片根據(jù)法國作家法蘭克西萊斯(Franck Thilliez)的犯罪小說改編。


 1 ) 死亡之屋 電影觀后感

之前就很想看這部電影了,可惜的是截止2010年8月中旬之前,因?yàn)闆]有電腦,所以就沒有看到,第一次得知這部電影是在2007年10月份也就是07年10月國慶長假在本市的郵政書店購買雖說不知道是不是正版還是盜版,購買到的《金牛影視_ 半夜愛鬼上床》恐怖電影合輯 HDVD_9 簡裝DVD影碟的包裝盒上看到的,是3張碟片的包裝,但,使用DVD機(jī)觀看完3張DVD碟片后,并沒有看到這部電影的完整版,只在該電影合輯中的第一張碟片中看到的是《死亡之屋》的 第二部 電影,該DVD包裝盒上面雖然是有該電影的宣傳海報(bào),但在該包裝內(nèi)的3張碟片中,并沒有收錄該電影的 第一部,以前的事就不說了,該《死亡之屋》電影的宣傳海報(bào)做的蠻不錯的,我很喜歡,蠻恐怖的,該電影我現(xiàn)已(在線)觀看了兩三遍了,大概是,雖然之前(在線)觀看了該電影的相關(guān)評論和簡單的幕后花絮(文字),影片的開場部分的BGM很好聽,在影片末尾的影像視頻中,時不時還穿插一些游戲中的射殺活死人的游戲畫面,雖然我沒有條件試玩該《死亡之屋》的游戲版,..... 該影片整體還不錯,至于該游戲改編的電影第二部,就完全不怎么樣了,起初在觀看這部電影的第二部的時候,還以為影片中的很多疑問很可能會在第一部中出現(xiàn),但后來,完全不是我想象的那樣,可以說,完全摸不著頭腦,至于該原著游戲版,前不久,我(在線)【觀看】了該 _《死亡之屋》_ 游戲版的 第3部 的 游戲試玩視頻中的其中一段.

 2 ) 想拍爛片?先去練拳擊吧!

    地球上或許沒有最好的導(dǎo)演,但有最爛的導(dǎo)演——德國導(dǎo)演烏寶(Uwe Boll)正是這一“殊榮”的獲得者。烏寶專門拍攝根據(jù)電子游戲改編的電影,因無聊至極的拍攝風(fēng)格和奇差無比的作品質(zhì)量而“聲名顯赫”,其“代表作”包括《死亡之屋》、《鬼屋魔影》、《吸血萊恩》和即將上映的《地牢圍攻》等。在10分為滿分的IMDB網(wǎng)站上,他所有的作品都奇跡般地徘徊在1分和2分之間,居然沒有一部電影得分超過3分——要知道,連《十面埋伏》都得了7.6分!對一個以拍電影為職業(yè)的導(dǎo)演來說,達(dá)到如此高度需要多么驚人的天賦?。?br>


    這場歷史性的拳賽被西方媒體稱為“憤怒的小寶”(Raging Boll),一方為了捍衛(wèi)自己在影壇的名譽(yù),也為了發(fā)泄長期被影評人侮辱的怒火;一方代表受騙的影迷,希望狠狠地教訓(xùn)一下這個爛到家的導(dǎo)演。決戰(zhàn)的火爆氣氛一觸即發(fā)。




 3 ) 《同名游戲救了這部電影》


 4 ) Zombie was Kill off The Human on The House of the Dead

All Right,Let Talk About This Film,
This Film is Based on Video Game Series:House of the Dead,is the Light Gun Shooter,
Two college students, Simon (Tyron Leitso) and Greg (Will Sanderson), take a boat to an island to attend a rave. They meet up with three girls: Alicia (Ona Grauer), Karma (Enuka Okuma) and Cynthia (Sonya Salomaa). Karma has a crush on Simon, Simon has a crush on Alicia, and Cynthia is Greg's girlfriend. When the five arrive at the dock, they find that they are late and the boat that is supposed to take them to the island has already left. They get a ride on a boat with a man named Victor Kirk (Jürgen Prochnow) and his first mate Salish (Clint Howard). A cop named Jordan Casper (Ellie Cornell) tries to stop them from leaving, being that Kirk is a smuggler, but they leave anyway.

They soon arrive at the island, but the site of the rave is completely deserted. The place is a complete mess. Alicia, Karma and Simon leave the site to go find anybody around while Cynthia and Greg stay behind. Greg and Cynthia are about to make out in a tent, but Greg leaves the tent to urinate. Alone in the tent Cynthia is killed by a group of zombies. Meanwhile, Alicia, Karma and Simon find an old house. Inside the house they find Rudy (Jonathan Cherry), Liberty (Kira Clavell) and Hugh (Michael Eklund) who tell them that zombies attacked the rave, killing everyone. Alicia and Rudy used to date and Liberty was a dancer at the rave. The six leave the house to go get Greg and Cynthia. Meanwhile, the zombies kill Salish when he is alone in the forest.

Alicia, Rudy, Karma, Simon, Liberty and Hugh return to the rave site and find Greg. Cynthia comes out from behind the tree, but she is now a zombie. She kills Hugh but is killed when Casper arrives and shoots her. They form a plan to return to Kirk's boat and leave the island. When they return to the beach they find only zombies on Kirk's boat. Casper and Greg leave the group to go find help, but Greg is killed in the forest. Kirk later takes the group to a spot in the forest where he has hidden a box full of guns. Once everyone is armed, they decide to head back to the house. The front of the house is filled with zombies. Liberty and Casper are killed in the ensuing fight and Alicia, Rudy, Kirk, Karma and Simon manage to take shelter inside the house.

When Kirk is alone, he hears Salish whistling outside of the house. He goes outside and sees Salish as a zombie. Kirk commits suicide with a stick of dynamite, also blowing up the entrance to the house. The remaining four lock themselves in a lab in the house, but the zombies break in. Karma finds a hatch in the floor. She, Alicia and Rudy go down into the hatch and Simon shoots a barrel of gunpowder blowing up the house, a lot of zombies, and himself. Alicia, Rudy and Karma find themselves in underground tunnels. They make their way through the tunnels, but Karma is killed by zombies as she attempts to hold them off as Rudy and Alicia flee.

Alicia and Rudy are captured by an evil Spaniard named Castillo who injected himself with immortality serum many years ago and created the first zombie. Alicia and Rudy escape the tunnels, blowing them up in the process, but are followed by Castillo. Alicia gets into a sword fight with Castillo, and he stabs her in the heart. Rudy manages to decapitate Castillo and thinks the fight is over. Castillo is in fact still alive and his headless body begins to strangle Rudy. Alicia who is barely alive gets up and crushes the head under her foot which finally kills him. She then dies. Rudy and Alicia are rescued by a team of agents. The agents ask for Rudy's last name, to which he responds with "Curien". The ending narration reveals that Rudy gave Alicia the immortality serum and that is why she is alive. The two survivors return home.
Obviouly Film is Ass Cheater,
House of the Dead was a very moderate box office success, gaining slightly over $13 million against its $12 million budget, thus making it one of Uwe Boll's only successful movies in terms of box office successes.
I Knew it,Uwe Boll is Because Bullshit!
See It,Just Like Kamen Rider Ryuki Episode Final Character Using Card And Shoot The Two Rider Away,And This Thing,Ugh!
I Pick This Film with Kamen Rider Ryuki TV Series & Movie is 1/10 & is a Worst Video Games Film I Ever See,
So DVD & Blu Ray is Going to Trust!



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The House of the Dead

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很早以前看的。。。 覺得拍的真好。。

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