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漢密爾頓的美國 劇照 NO.1漢密爾頓的美國 劇照 NO.2漢密爾頓的美國 劇照 NO.3漢密爾頓的美國 劇照 NO.4漢密爾頓的美國 劇照 NO.5漢密爾頓的美國 劇照 NO.6漢密爾頓的美國 劇照 NO.13漢密爾頓的美國 劇照 NO.14漢密爾頓的美國 劇照 NO.15漢密爾頓的美國 劇照 NO.16
更新時間:2023-08-10 18:22




 1 ) Fragments of thought

Hamilton is utterly the first musical that blows me away from the beginning to the end and whose lyrics and melodies linger on my mind for weeks. Now after watching this documentary, I'm ready to have the songs on the loop again…Aside from the compelling narrative, I guess one of the enduring charms of Hamilton is due to its objective outlook on history, cuz there is no saint in the show. Hamilton, Washington, Thomas Jefferson, these historical figures who made great contributions to the U.S are also deeply flawed. "Some parts are ugly, some parts are abhorrent, but there's nothing we can do to change those things…There were great things that were done, but there were terrible things that were done. The best to do is to see both of them" this attitude towards history is highly appreciated. Another thing to be recognized, however, is that how much of what we have today in the 21st century is built on the backs of people whose contribution never gets acknowledged, and this marvelous musical credits them with due respect and acknowlegment.


Like lmm said in the documentary, "the whole zeitgeisty moment is happening, and we are all grappling with the paradox of knowing tomorrow is not promised, but making plans anyway". I really feel pepped up by his words. Now in retrospect, I recalled the very day watching the stage surrounded by dreamers. Ignorant and innocent as I am, I was invariably overwhelmed the moment I hear the song. I feel the urge to keep my eyes open to observe, to discover, to appreciate, and to embrace my mediocre yet could be possibly more extraordinary life right away.

 2 ) 漢密爾頓是誰




林聚聚參觀漢密爾頓的宅邸,隨處可見紙筆,漢密爾頓本人時刻都在寫作,而漢密爾頓音樂劇的林聚聚在創(chuàng)作音樂劇期間也是如此。他在波爾房間里寫歌,神奇的是在這里他找到了很多靈感來源,比如my shot這段:

I am not throwing away my shot!

Hey yo, I'm just like my country,

I'm young, scrappy and hungry,

I probroly shouldn't brag, but dag, I amaze and astonish,

The problem is I got a lot of brains but no polish,

I gotta holler just to be heard,

I am the—,


漢密爾頓音樂劇中我最喜歡的是波爾,他的扮演者音色太出眾了。小萊斯利·奧多姆(Leslie Odom Jr.,1981年8月9日-),出生于美國紐約市,畢業(yè)于卡內基梅隆大學,演員、歌手。











 3 ) 為什么是漢密爾頓

尚顯凌亂的公寓中, 《漢密爾頓》的主演從冰箱中取出一罐飲料,談到了自己剛剛出生兩個星期的孩子,還有即將開始的音樂劇《漢密爾頓》的排練?!熬拖駶h密爾頓在約克郡戰(zhàn)役前一樣”,他如此形容既忐忑不安又野心勃勃的自己。這幾乎是該片不斷重復的手法,將當下人物的處境和歷史上的漢密爾頓不斷進行對比,讓后者的形象映射到當代美國人身上。



有瑕疵的偉人,歷史局限性,這些說法已經老生常談。問題不在于象牙塔中的歷史研究者如何評價國父們的功過是非,而在于隨著時間的流逝,對大多數(shù)普通美國人而言,國父們只不過是冰冷的塑像,課文上枯燥的名字,社交網絡上的惡搞對象,帶著奴隸主這樣的標簽?,F(xiàn)今社會上的美國人已經越來越失去可對國父們共情的紐帶。 如今的世界第一帝國和18世紀晚期初生的稚嫩國家已經如此不同,在時間長河的此岸遙望18世紀末期, 只能看見一個無法理解的朦朧影子,國父們的所思所想,喜怒哀樂已經全然無法理解。從理智上,你能理解他們的局限性;但是從情感上,他們很多觀點不容于美國社會當代價值觀,因而 顯得 多少有點可惡和陌生。

本片本質上依然是對國父帖標簽式,斷章取義的理解。創(chuàng)作者從一眾國父中精心挑選出了亞歷山大·漢密爾頓。 在美國建立者中,漢密爾頓來自加勒比地區(qū),從不名一文開始奮斗有了今天的成就;他不是奴隸主,而是廢奴主義者;一切都很政治正確,都很美國夢。創(chuàng)作者和觀眾們皆大歡喜,一個半小時的影片中不用分出太多時間反思自己國家歷史上最丑陋的一頁。至于漢密爾頓的君主制傾向,似乎不成為一個問題,畢竟,當前美國社會的痛點是種族矛盾,而不是一位要加冕為王的總統(tǒng)。于是漢密爾頓被打上了“移民”和“奮斗者”的標簽,幾百年后的觀眾和演員從這兩個標簽中找到了共鳴,找到了美國夢的一脈傳承的證據(jù),找到了對合眾國設計者的情感紐帶。

這就是大火的音樂劇是《漢密爾頓》,而不是《華盛頓》和《杰斐遜》的原因。 主創(chuàng)人員說,他在閱讀《漢米爾頓》傳記的時候,感覺被一下子抓住了,好像是漢密爾頓本人從書里出來要求他拍出這樣一部音樂劇。這是真誠的,因為對漢密爾頓的選擇并非是個別人有意識的行為,而是當今美國社會的種族,人員構成的自然選擇。試想,又有多少移民和黑人能從《華盛頓》和《杰斐遜》的傳記中讀出共鳴呢?


 4 ) 創(chuàng)作者的絕對精神






 5 ) Love for U All

He wrote his way out. OMG Lin,I love this mate deeply. Honestly I can do nothing but listen to him speaking all day long. He's a genius, no doubt; he has pure love for art u can just see that in his eyes ; and he's got great passion for actually filling his days with endless wonders rather than just stay alive.He's gentle, he can be sweet but he can also be insistent and boldly speak out his mind. And his sensitivity to words——one glance he just can turn those complex articles into his own tunes. And about the true figure Alexander Hamilton.Now I really have the passion,also the courage, to read his biography. He was the one founding father often left behind by us. But Lin told his story, especially as an immigrant. That's a landmark. This documentary is amazing .It shows us how a great was created,all those 6 years of Lin 's life, and how Lin 's own experiences magically parallel Hamilton 's. The film editing is also legendary. Each period is accompanied with corresponding song from the musical, and scenes of the background story, the show itself,and Lin 's life were linked wonderfully together. I can say this from the bottom of my heart that this musical is a landmark of my own life.

 6 ) 《Hamilton’s America》

“And sometimes, a couple of days, I’ve written in Aaron Burr's bedroom. It’s pretty amazing to be in the space where he was in the later of his life. Talk about artist in residence-literally.”

“This is one of those nights where you feel the earth shake a little bit, you feel the world start to change. This is opening night of Hamilton.”

“I have never in my life witnessed a musical that has penetrated the American culture faster than Hamilton.”

“After the first two songs, I looked at my wife, and we were like, ‘This might be the greatest thing, like, we’ve ever seen ever.’ And you kind of look around at the other people sitting there, like, ‘Are we right?’ Like, ‘This is the best thing that’s...right?’ We’re all on the same...but you can’t say that cause people are casting and performing, but you’re almost in tears.”

“What Lin was able to do is create different styles for each character. So, George Washington raps in this very sort of metronomic way because that is similar to how he thinks. It’s all right on beat. You know, Lafayette has to figure it out. Lafayette is rapping in a real, like, simple, sort of like early-‘80s rap cadence at first and then, by the end, is doing these crazy double- and triple- time things.”

“I’ve read ‘The Federalist papers’ many times over. As an elected official, as a person who takes office, by swearing oath to the Constitution, I pretty much want to know what that means, right? And so it’s important not only to understand what the Constitution is, but to understand what the principles are behind it. And that’s why you look at Hamilton. That’s why you look at ‘The Federalist Papers’. That is the cornerstone of this beautiful idea we call the American experiment.”

“I’m not a really bright student in the history department. I’ve learned so much from this musical that I wouldn’t have normally learned in a history class. And for you guys to convey history in the manner that you did - was that your initial goal, to inspire kids like me?”

“You might find a world there to unlock. And after the performance, I think all of us understand not only how much potential it had, but what it did was capture the fact that, you know, the founding fathers were, to some degree, flying by the seats of their pants and making it up as they went along. And the fact that the experiment worked was a testimony to their genius. And you can draw a direct connection between what the founders were doing and what we do today.”

“Hamilton has to create much of the federal government from scratch - first budget systems, first tax systems, first customs service, first Coast Guard, first monetary policy, first central bank, which was the direct forerunner of the Federal Reserve.”

“These are not perfect people. These are deeply flawed people. But they make contributions.”

“These were real people who lived and died. I think one of the things we really tried to do with the show is show them all as flawed. There’s no saints in this show, not a one.”

“I think that our show is doing a really good job of reminding us that all of us are more than one thing.”

“How much time do we get on this Earth? We don’t know. They don’t tell us at the outset how much time we get. It’s something I’ve been sort of grappling with and terrified with. I think we all grapple with it, with the paradox of knowing tomorrow’s not promised, but making plans anyway.”

“Hamilton is one of the more uniquely American founders because this man came from nothing and rose to the highest levels of serving this country. He proved, the condition of your birth should not determine the outcome of your life.”

“It wasn’t easy to get to where we are today. But it was dictated by and led by a vision. We’re a blessed nation to have had our founders - such remarkable men.”

“I think when faced with the incredible three lifetimes Hamilton lived while he was on this Earth, it forces you to reckon with, ‘Well, what am I doing with my life?’ That’s the thing you’re always up against when you’re writing something that’s big.”

“I knew that Hamilton was gonna change my life. But I didn’t anticipate how much we’d help Hamilton’s legacy in turn. Not just Hamilton but also Eliza, for whom Hamilton’s legacy was so important.”

“I feel like Hamilton chose me. He reached out of the Chernow book and grabbed me and wouldn’t let me go until I told his story. You can’t manufacture another Hamilton. Hamilton is singular, the man and the creation of the show. I feel like my responsibility is just to sort of keep my eyes open and live it as slowly as possible, because I am aware musical theater does not get off the arts page often. And here we are.”

I can’t wait to see you again.

It’s only a matter of time.

Who lives, who dies, who tells your story?

My world turned upside down.


2016.11 很多官攝,很多想知道的幕后內容,反正你喜歡的東西你就想知道他的一切。當一個人對你沒興趣的時候,就不會多問一個問題。

  • xixi嘻嘻
  • 力薦

看完更是佩服Lin, 劇院經理評價他是“當代的莎士比亞”,恰如其分。有趣的是天才也會被deadline所逼,前兩年擠出一首歌,最后瘋狂突擊哈哈哈。大量各層面的解讀嘉賓,拓寬了觀劇視野,被里面耶魯女教授給迷倒哩~

  • 阿蠻
  • 力薦

啊啊啊啊啊徹底粉上了Joanne Freeman教授?。。。。。?!【重點…

  • Momo June
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  • 卡特里娜小姐
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  • yum
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  • 風中奇緣
  • 力薦


  • 力薦

有生之年是看不到現(xiàn)場了,乖乖等官攝。最后哈哈哈哈哈哈and peggy哈哈哈哈哈哈

  • ?
  • 力薦


  • HiramB
  • 力薦

3.5 適合與音樂劇結合在一起來看,補充了許多真實的歷史背景和針對角色設定的探討。

  • 粘土啊空氣啊
  • 還行

T-T T-T T-T 最后一秒哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈

  • Joanna
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  • 匡軼歌
  • 力薦

一半以上是正史的紀錄片hhh穿插Chernow爺爺 小布什和Elizabeth Warren等大佬的解說詞= =

  • Esther L
  • 力薦


  • 冬木
  • 力薦

創(chuàng)作過程令旁觀者同樣興奮,短寸LMM也太帥了o(*////▽////*)q 有生之年once in a blue moon

  • 花島仙藏
  • 力薦


  • 咪咪眼
  • 力薦

雞皮疙瘩狂起 無法控制眼淚 天吶啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊真的沒有辦法用語言表達Hamilton到底有多屌 Lin有多厲害 大家有多牛逼 嗚嗚嗚嗚

  • 拜女神♂很有錢
  • 力薦


  • crystal53451
  • 推薦

在Burr的真實房間里寫My Shot,到Yorktown時非常激動地講這一切如何跟自己的生活重合,在the room where it happened的門外突然蹦跶起來唱The Room Where It Happens,跟Leslie在博物館一起念信。天啊,你看看這個人的眼睛———— 當我對人類絕望,我就看看Lin

  • 黑桃生
  • 力薦

There is no saints in the show, not a one.All of us are more than one thing. 漢密爾頓是一個完美正派的公職人員,但是他有婚外情。華盛頓服務了國家和人民45年,杰斐遜寫下了人皆生而平等,但是他們卻是奴隸主。

  • 54edapple
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